Whether in movement or stillness, clients are encouraged to be both the participant and the observer of their personal practice, free of the judging mind, free of expectations. Being fully present in the moment, returning to the Self is a consistent theme of Light of Light Yoga classes.
Offerings incorporate gentle, restorative, and therapeutic yoga. Breathwork, yoga nidra, and guided relaxation are foundational components. Students are encouraged to step away from the business of doing, taking time for self-care. This act is far from selfish, it is self-sustaining. In safe, supportive surroundings, cultivating the spirit of acceptance; the process of healing and renewal arises. By taking care of ourselves, we fill our reservoirs of wellness, enriching our capacity to thrive and support all those in our lives.
Classes are open and friendly. All are welcome. A sense of belonging and community is fostered in every class. We come together as seekers, sharing our lives along the way.
Each of us has the capacity to practice yoga. It is as accessible as the breath: breathing with awareness. Yoga invites us to come home to our true selves, our essence of light and delight. As we open to a field of awareness far greater than ourselves, we come to know ourselves honestly, to value our uniqueness while embracing our shared humanity. Healing occurs naturally as we open to our true nature, free of encumbrances.
The ancient yoga masters have taught us these lessons. Over the millennia we continue to face the same basic life challenges. Through the steady practice of yoga, we learn to live with compassion, truth, and wholeness. Shining brightly, the light within radiates out into the world and beyond.
“The mind’s fluctuations are stilled through
practice and non-attachment.”
“Practice becomes firmly grounded
when well attended to for a long time,
consistently, and with enthusiasm.”
Sri Patanjali
Yoga Sutras 1.12 & 1.14